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Can You Switch Equity Release Plans in 2024/2025?

Can You Switch Equity Release Plans in 2024/2025?

July 25, 2024

Yes, you are able to switch equity release plans in 2024 and in 2025 and doing so could mean that you benefit in a number of different ways. Many people take out an equity release […]

October 17, 2022

Using Equity Release and for a Divorce Settlement

Using Equity Release and for a Divorce Settlement

The relationship between equity release and divorce is multi-layered. On one hand, there is the complicated process of trying to organise your equity release plan while you are going through a divorce. On the other […]

October 14, 2022

UK Pension Statistics 2022-2023

UK Pension Statistics 2022-2023

The State Pension is the money that people above a certain age are entitled to in retirement, provided that they have made National Insurance payments for a set amount of years. The maximum amount of […]

October 7, 2022

Cost of Living Crisis Stats UK 2022 

Cost of Living Crisis Stats UK 2022 

We started to hear of the UK cost of living crisis back in 2021, with the media reporting that the price of essential goods was outweighing the average household income in the country. This has […]

October 4, 2022

Equity Release Plans Without Rolled-Up (Compound) Interest

Equity Release Plans Without Rolled-Up (Compound) Interest

There are two types of equity release: lifetime mortgages and home reversions. Both schemes involve accessing funds from your home in the form of a loan that does not have a deadline for repayment. To […]

September 30, 2022

Equity Release Vs Downsizing Your Home

Equity Release Vs Downsizing Your Home

Many of our customers come to us with the common question: what is the difference between equity release vs downsizing your home? You may be aware of the essential differences, but we are here to […]

September 20, 2022

Health Tips As We Age – For Retirement and Beyond

Health Tips As We Age – For Retirement and Beyond

As you age, lots of aspects of your life change, including your family life, your career, your finances, your independence and most importantly of all, your health. Coping with these changes can at times be […]

September 10, 2022

Home Reversion Plan vs Lifetime Mortgage

Home Reversion Plan vs Lifetime Mortgage

If you have done some research into equity release, you will know that there are two equity release plans you can have: home reversions and lifetime mortgages. Lifetime mortgages are much more popular than home […]

September 1, 2022

Remortgaging Or Equity Release: Which is Best?

Remortgaging Or Equity Release: Which is Best?

If you are looking for a way to boost your income before you retire or after you have retired, there are many different routes you could take. Two of the most popular are equity release […]

August 22, 2022

Can You do Equity Release Twice?

Can You do Equity Release Twice?

If you have ever released equity from your home, then you might be wondering ‘can you do equity release twice?’ Whilst you can do equity release twice, it is important to understand that there are […]